The first habit that we’re going to talk about may come as a surprise for the majority of you.
For decades now, the ideal American breakfast consisted mainly of high carbohydrate foods like cereals, pancakes and oatmeal, paired along with something like orange juice or milk.
Now the argument for this is that carbs provide you with energy and having a lot of them for breakfast allows you to function properly throughout the day. Yes and no.
See studies have actually found that calorie dense foods do in fact provide a spike in willpower.
For those of you that don’t know what willpower is, it’s basically a finite resource that we have.
Think of it as a battery that allows us to do things throughout the day.
The lower your levels, the harder it is for us to do the things that we know we should be doing like our homework or going to the gym.
So it’s very important but what studies have found is that although foods that are high in carbohydrates increase your willpower,
they only do so for a short period of time and this is mainly because our body digests these foods rather quickly.
So sure if you stick to standard American breakfast you’ll feel great for an hour too but soon after your levels of willpower will drop dramatically and you will start feeling a bit lazy.
And this isn’t the only side effect.
Things like anxiety and your mood are also connected with your current level of willpower.
1. majority,名词,表示“多数”,比如:She was elected by a narrow majority.(她以微弱多数当选。)
2. oatmeal,名词,表示“燕麦片”,比如:Oatmeal is a good second best.(燕麦片是不错的第二选择。)
3. carbohydrate,名词,表示“碳水化合物”,比如:carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, or potatoes(含碳水化合物的食物,如面包、意大利面或马铃薯)。
4. side effect,名词词组,表示“副作用”,比如:Many anti-drugs now in use have toxic side effects.(目前使用的很多抗癌药都有毒性副作用。)